I'm considering carrying a small FAK in my left rear pocket. I already have a wallet in the other rear pocket and only a bandana in the left so far, and I figure if I can get a mini-kit that's about the size of a wallet or smaller, why not stuff it in there? I already carry band-aids in my wallet but have wanted to carry a little more. I like AMK's products and have an Ultralight Traveller Kit in each vehicle. I was looking at possible candidates including the Ultralight .3, Field, Go Travel, Pocket Medic, and Travel Medic and so far I like the Go Travel. It has a small footprint and doesn't have the tape roll which may make the kit too bulky for my liking. Plus it has the tweezers which will probably get used. I think I can get by without safety pins. What do you think? Other suggestions?

Edited by kmcrawford111 (01/31/07 05:25 AM)