Recalling once reading in a book on Ballooning (the Double Eagle Two or another famous Balloon Flight), -about how in the Stillness of the Night, -you can clearly hear People talking, Dogs Barking, etc, -thousands of feet below! -I'm wondering how useful this might be to someone in a Search and Rescue (SAR) situation. Particularly if you're located in an area with some Heights above you. (though the Greenery of the Forest may muffle some of this down). One can devote some of their Efforts to Calling, Whistling, etc Upward. Towards possible Rescuers etc.

Along this same line, -I've once known someone in the Service at the Presidio, (San Fran / Monterrey area), -who could well hear the Barking of the many Seals down on the Beach or Rocks below, -from the Heights well Above!,... [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.