Has anyone used anything odd to get their blood sugar level up in an emergency while in the middle of nowhere? If so, what did you use? I know about wild berries and all, but any suggestions on sugar sources in the wild that are easy and quick to find?

I guess I'm a redneck because::

Levi Garrett actually saved my life one day. Out away from anywhere camoflauging a duck blind on the TN River, my blood sugar went down and I started shaking real bad. We were miles away from our boat launch ramp and the truck and then miles away from anywhere to get anything. I only had a pouch of chewing tobacco on me. I took a chew and the licorice boosted me up and we finished the job. That was the turning point for me about 8 years ago and I started looking into being equipped and prepared from then on.
Me, a vegetarian? My set of teeth came with canines.