I just got a copy of the "Emergency Procedures" that one of my daughter's preschool uses. This preschool is located on a university campus in a laboratory school. It says:

Emergency Procedures

Emergency plans for fire and tornado shall be written and posted by each main classroom door. Emergency plan procedures shall be practiced at least once a month for fire and for tornado.

For other emergencies, such as flood, earthquake or power failure, the staff will inform parents as quickly as possible so that they can pick up their children from the Center or evacuation site.

In the case of evacuation of the Center, staff and children will be located at the (Name of nearby dorm) Hall Rec. Room, #1

Revised 4-8-97

I would be interested in any and all opinions about the effectiveness of the plan as stated above.

Each classroom has a "fanny" pack with minor first aid gear, parent phone numbers, and a cell phone.

Pros and cons would be appreciated.

Thanks all!
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)