A couple of days ago, my wife asked me to go to a doctor's appointment with her. I had on mismatched shorts and shirt, smelly old sandals, and I hadn't shaved for three days. Nevertheless, I put my PSK in my pocket, grabbed a book I had been reading (for the waiting room) my cell phone and went on my merry way. Soon after seeing the doctor, he decided he was going to have to put my wife out to do a minor surgical procedure. With no advance notice, we were told to go to the hospital and get her admitted for the procedure. To make a long story short, she came home about 12 hours after the doc. appointment.

Point being, I thought I would be gone for about an hour, and it turned into 12. Even though it was not an emergency or survival situation, it was a good reminder of how unexpected things can be, and we may only have what we carry with us to deal with it.

Just thought I'd share.
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)