Has there been Posts / Discussion here about Eric Rudolph, -as regards his Survival Experiences and Aspects?

I find myself to be well interested in such. (Just read an interesting, in depth, article on such recently in USA Today).

Briefly and Basically, -I remember the case from pretty much from it's beginning. His bombings and such were of course Improper and Wrong, He made some stupid initial mistakes and boo boos, -despite otherwise good planning. And as a result, -they were hot on his trail, -all the way to his abandoning of his truck in the North Carolina mountains, -and perhaps somewhat beyond.They were Hounding and Hunting him pretty good, for awhile!

Further, being personally of a Pro Life view myself, -I got an uncomfortable feeling that this figured into the "Hot Houndance", as well. Though I Disapprove of his killing and all, -to any such end. If indeed he even was genuinely so motivated.

In any event, -he was able to soon get off, into his well familiar North Carolina mountains. And did a pretty dang good job Surviving and Evading therein! For a good long time. (5 and a half years).

Though having previously Camped and Hiked in these mountains, -and perhaps knowing a lot of, if not everything, -about Standard and Classic Wilderness Survival, I think he's earned a pretty High Grade and Score there! All Told, -I think he places so! -Survivalwise speaking, once again.

Not the least being his Great Improvisations, -to make up for a lot of what he lacked, or was Rusty on.

While Disapproving of the Wrongs he actually did, -Please Don't mistakenly find an "Admiration" in me for him there!,-I nevertheless find myself considerably Liking and Admiring this guy, -along with his Experience. This largely entails, but is not solely limited to, -the Survival Aspects involved.

Kazinsky too, -the Unibomber, -similar Disapprovals, and less "Admiration", -but it's got to be said that he built one heck of a Perfectly Concealed Shelter!

We can learn some Good Survival Tips and Pointers from these guys, -while yet Disapproving of the actually Wrong and Objectionable things as they did.

How do some of you View and Rate these guys, -or others like them, -as regards at least their Survival Experiences and Aspects? [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.