Reading the thread on storing water for weather related problems brought me back to a question I once had about getting water from a well with the power out.<br><br>Does anyone know if it's possible to connect a hand pump (pitcher style) into a wells plumbing and pull water up through the subm. pump? Will the pump let water be pulled through it?<br>My well is 145 ft deep and the head water is only 12 to 18 feet from the top of the well head. I also have a check valve in the well line to keep water from running back to the well. If I connect the pump up in my basement (with valves to isolate it from the pressure side) I'm another 8 ft closer to the water level so the pump shouldn't need to provide much lift. <br><br>Anyone else ever try this? <br>My main problem in the Midwest is no advanced notice of the power going out... ice storms, tornados, etc.<br><br>I have used the water heater trick before... pretty nasty water comes out at first... rust, yuck. Works fine to flush toilets though.