Has anyone considered using Meal Replacement Powders in a kit or BoB? Has anyone had any success or failure with these? They are light, fairly unbreakable, and last for a while (I think). There are serveral brands that are readily available almost anywhere by EAS or MetrX. <br><br>I've tried quite a few of them and some are quite easy to prepair and a few are even quite tasty. <br><br>Any pros or cons to using these to stock a kit would be apprieciated. Living in NYC I don't have Mainstay bars in every nieghborhood but I can find these everywhere. Are there any disadvantages to long term use?<br><br>Here is an example:<br>http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/browse/sku_detail.jhtml?SkuID=3869&BrandName=EAS&SkuName=Myoplex+Mass+Vanilla+Cream&BreadCrumbType=Search