I've developed an interesting problem with food storage, I've run out of room. Every shopping trip I buy an extra $10-15 dollars of food stores. One week I'll focus on sugar, flour type staples, other weeks canned proteins, or canned fruits and veggies. Other weeks chemicals like bleaches, ammonia, vinegar, dawn soap, anti bac.

It is not the cheapest way to buy but it is the easiest as, we have no compunction to use single cans or bottles from storage but feel wasteful buying bulk items like #10 cans of fruit that we'd never be able to finish before it spoils. And at Christmas when we donate all our near expiration goods to our charities they can fill more bags with normal cans and single servings than giving one family a giant jug of say beans.

So, long story long, I am out of space. I'm thinking of repacking my flour and sugar in 5 gallon buckets but not sure how to do that correctly. I've been buying #10 cans of dehydrated food like meat and veggies but my family is not keen on using those for rotation, which justifies the excess. I've been thinking of no longer buying normal cans but buying dehydrated kits for 72 hours or 30 days. I've thought about MRE's but they are expensive, I've had Mayday bars which are very calorically dense but they expire rather quickly compared to cans and we wouldn't use them just to eat them.

In short my preps have been an ever expanding rotation of goods and I can't hold any more. To extend my goods I have to find a way to minimize the footprint it takes up but that means buying things that may not be consumed before expiration and not able to be used by our food banks.

How have some of you overcome this obstacle?
Don't just survive. Thrive.