
We frequently see discussion about having survival items ON YOUR PERSON, instead of being in a bag or pack that you may lose. In this thread we can a step further and investigate items WITHIN your body that can aid in a survival situation.

Ands being WITHIN your body can mean the item is part of the body, or the possibility to excrete/remove the item from the body

One example comes to mind frequently. If you are a bit overweight when SHTF, that fat can help keep you warm and protect you a bit from starving ( partial food, partial shelter).

I remember from our older folks that when women got sick some 70 or 80 years ago, they sometimes were not able to breastfeed their babies or even dead during labor. Then one female relative/neighbor would help breastfeed that baby until the mother is OK, or the baby is old enough.

Other than these two examples, I could not think of items / material that is body-made and can help in survival situation, not until I saw an episode of dual survival where Cody Lundin peed on his own head cover and then wrapped it around his own head. The logic was the moisture in the head-wrap would reduce loss of moisture from the body while walking in the desert. Although very logical, LOL, but his partner Dave Canterbury declined Cody’s generous offer to pee on his hat for the same purpose !

I thought of another possibility to use body “products” for survival , like human hair for example. Seems like good tender , although I haven’t tried it. In a survival situation hair will continue to grow, and so , should be put to some use.

Also, some people have oily skin. I wonder if they wipe their faces with some tissue or cotton ball , will that make it like a vaselene / cotton ball tender ???