Hi everyone I am new here. I am looking for fellow preppers. I just moved to this area and am looking for some like minded people to hang out with and maybe get a group together or join a group. I truly believe that if it comes to a survival situation you have much better chances as surviving as a group. I also believe that each group member should bring unique skills to the table. I have been trained in Krav Maga and the hand to hand combat training they taught us in the military. I also bring skills with weapons and tactics. I can hunt trap and snare game and I know what plants are edible and what plants can be used as medicines. I have also been taught to survive in any environment be it desert, jungle, forest, arctic etc. So if anyone is near me and would like to meet up don't hesitate to message me.
The only easy day was yesterday! Be prepared for any situation you may face as much as possible. And yes training and practice is crucial.