Oct 1 to Nov 30 is the general rifle hunting season locally (deer, antelope, elk, moose). I'm not as concerned with the bow-hunters and muzzle loaders as they have a shorter range and thus are more likely to see you as a person instead of as dinner. But the rifles in the hands of some idiot (and believe me there are a lot of them out there!) do concern me. A friend of mine was shot in the chest and was hospitalized with collapsed lungs for a few weeks - very lucky to be alive.

Even if you don't hunt (like me), do you ensure your safety by wearing the colours during the season? As a fan of the outdoors and activities of many types, while out hiking even in protected wildlife areas, I normally am wearing my red rain jacket. But in areas of known hunting grounds, I also bring/wear a hi-visibility vest and orange toque.

My motto: I would rather "look a bit silly than to look dead."
Hi-visibility in hunting season
Only one choice allowed (21 total votes)
Always - 12 (57%)
Sometimes - 7 (33%)
Never - 2 (10%)
Voting on this poll ends: 12/07/09 02:22 AM