Hi all

I’ve spent a long time looking on this forum (4 years, give or take) and have come to trust and respect all of your views and options, so this is probably a long over due first post, but here we go smile

I first got this idea from reading Wildman’s post “I spy from my perch” and Benjamin’s “EDC as 72 hour kit”.

As it’s almost impossible to carry equipment to handle every situation and considering that most people here carry as a minimum in their EDC a multi-tool/SAK, flashlight, BIC lighter/fire steel, AMK heat sheets ect.

What would you might consider useful to carry in addition to “MacGyver” up a solution or something to make live easier in a "survival" situation from things or junk you find laying around ? Or what ideas have you had to make things ?

For example getting a soda can and cutting a few holes, turning it into a small wood stove, or using some wire to turn another can into a pot.

Any ideas welcome.

Edited by Cauldronborn (07/11/09 05:25 PM)