I am really surprised that there are no commentaries on this forum about a tv show on Discovery channel. I have seen 3 shows so far and I like them more and more. It is about a group of 9 people that are dropped in a remote area in Alaska and they are supposed to hike out. They were provided with some equipment, maps and compass but no food. Only an over and under rifle shotgun combination (410/.22LR), one pocket knife for all of them, one hatchet, one saw, sleeping bags, clothing, tarps to make Yukon packs and cover themselves. Each person was provided with bear protection spray, water bottles and a gps with a button that if you want to quit you press it and they come and pick your up. There is no price for whoever finish the trek.
There were all kind of people and what I was surprised more than anything else is that the best qualified people dropped first. You can find more information in www.discoverychannel under Alaska Experiment.
Have anybody watched these shows and would like to share some commentaries.