2 questions, what are people's thoughts about having a lanyard on a fixed blade knife? I can see where you would want to avoid dropping it but I'm also thinking of those times when it might not be such a good thing to have a very sharp fixed blade being tossed about at the end of a piece of paracord, ie, while in a boat/kayak, if one should slip and take a fall, wouldn't it be better to risk losing the knife rather than risk having it become very attached to your body, blade first so to speak?

Next, pretty obvious but I'm always willing to take good advice, what's an ideal way to store a couple of gallons of water in a vehicle? Tried using the sealed plastic bottles it came in but they started leaking. I want something that can be well sealed, will hold at least a gallon ea. and that I can store easily.

John E

"and all the lousy little poets
comin round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson"

The Future/Leonard Cohen