i had my local sewing shop cut a hole in my liner so i
could use it as a true poncho..this is used on canoe trips
in the evening when i want to sit outside without a fire or
in my shelter sitting in a camp chair..any one who has tryed
to wrap up in a blanket or one of these slippery liners knows
how hard it is to keep on--it also comes in handy in the
mornings when you drag out of the tent half dressed or need
get up on a cool nite to relieve yourself..under a rain poncho
i assume it would keep you warm but i have never tryed that.
and--no--the hole does not keep it from being used as a
blanket..if its cold enought to have it around me in a sleeping
bag it;s doubled over or in the bag with me...however..if i was
to do this again i would have the cut out bit held in the back
with a strip of uncut materal or have a hood made up for it..