I am in an unrelated class this week with guys from several other agencies. On our break this morning we were talking about the two skiers recently lost at a local ski resort. The topic quickly changed to survival gear. A couple of us mentioned how our packs for remote area day hikes were weighing in around the 20 to 30 lbs. range. Most of which is survival gear or considered as such. A gentleman from the division of forestry told a story of long ago when he went through S.E.R.E. school in the military. He said we started out with all of our gear and by day two we were shedding gear by the arm loads. He said by the end of the course we emerged with our ponchos w/liners,patrol hats, canteen w/cups, kives and fire making ability. everything else was just extra weight and after days with minimal to no food and water at a premium things feel like they are made out of lead. Which makes complete sense. He said a way to check yourself when loading your pack is to ask yourself "Am I going to die if I dont have this with me or is it just a luxury item" Just thought I would share this little story as it put me in check on some of the things/weight I carry. It also made me remeber how important it's going to be to watch how you burn your stored energy/calories.
"If it's not with you it cant save you"