If you read just a few posts around here you quickly gather that 99% of us think it's challenging and actually quite fun to gather the info and gear to put together a PSK. It also seems that at least 50% of us admit we have close friends, relatives and significant others who are not similarly interested in the nuts and bolts of emergency preparedness.

So it may be a good thing that the "commercial" kits out there are growing in popularity. While we "purists" may sneer at them, it allows those under-prepared folks we know and love easier (all right, you know you want to say it: "lazier") access to gear that may give them a better chance to survive.

Even Herrington's, which started out as a golf enthusiast's catalog (and before you ask, I have only a vague idea of which end of a golf club you hold on to), has this .

Looking it over, it doesn't seem half bad. The price is a little high, but again, not that bad. I'm thinking of giving one of these to one of those under-prepared relatives for Christmas so that I'll sleep better at night.

What do y'all think?


Edited by Frank2135 (08/27/07 06:03 PM)
Edit Reason: silly typo
All we can do is all we can do.