Some time back I posted about a pack I put together for my two girls (2 & 5 at the time) and their 4H friends.
back pack for kids

While it may be too basic, the idea is to have it when out hiking and camping. My girls do take it when they go. I don't even have to bug them, they ask for it.

Proud papa moment. grin

Anyway, one of the things that is in their packs is a safety booklet with checklists of things they need to do and we (parents) need to do each time before going out.

I never posted it before because I felt it is just a crude tool for the kids. But the moms liked it and my wife has been bugging, er, encouraging me to post it to get feedback on it.

While 12 pages may seem like a lot, realistically, only the back cover would be looked at in a "survival" situation. The rest is preparation. And the 12 pages is printed on 3 8 1/2 x 11 pages, front and back, laminated, folded and tied together (emergency cordage and tinder.

Anyway, here is the booklet I made for the kids. Feedback away. No worries about sparing my feelings. It is all constructive to me. The backgrounds are all white but they show up grey in the pictures for some reason.

Front cover




Back page
