I received a Charge XTi from my girlfriend last year as a present. I was interested in both Charge models, but I was torn on which I wanted more. Ultimately I couldn't decide and told my girlfriend I would be happy with either. I also told her I would be perfectly happy with the Wave, which would've cost her less. The way I see it, the only significant drawback to the XTi is the lack of scissors. Personally I don't see why Leatherman couldn't have made just one model with the best of both. All they had to do was add the crimper and cutting hook to the Ti. It's almost as if they made it difficult on purpose. Anyway, I found a solution for the lack of scissors on the XTi. You can buy small, folding scissors and store them in one of the side pouches. The fit is a little tight; any larger and it would probably be too much. But it works, at least with the leather sheath that I have. I imagine it would work fine with the nylon sheath as well. These scissors are rather easily found, are inexpensive, and I imagine are better than the ones on the Ti (which I admittedly haven't used). You're adding a little more bulk, but I think it's a fair tradeoff to complete the tool. I also think it's a good idea to carry a reversible slotted / phillips pocket clip screwdriver in the other side pocket, for those situations when the stubby drivers get in the way of getting to a recessed screw.