While commuting to work this morning, I need an item out of my "possibilities bag". After I had retrieved the bag, found the correct pocket, and went right to the item that I needed...I realized that....I only glanced once..just to visually locate the bag in the rear floorboard.

My point is: Now that I think about it, there are MANY times in which I have fished something out of my bag without ever having to look for it....or even at the bag while doing so.

There is a place for everthing, and everything in its place....as the saying goes. While things are added and subtracted from the bag at times, the "core" components remain intact...and, now that I think about it....in the exact same location.

I only mention this, because there could stand to be a time (when things really count) when knowing one's gear (or the location thereof) like the back of your hand could be beneficial.
Semper Fidelis
USMC '87-'93