Here's our new "Refusal to Evacuate" doucument - we give this to people who refuse to evacuate before an impending river flood:

You have been advised to evacuate all persons from this structure due to an impending river flood. You have refused to do so despite being offered immediate transportation assistance and free shelter.

We now advise you that once flooding begins, emergency medical services, fire suppression and rescue services will not be provided, for the duration of the flood and possibly for some time after floodwaters recede.

Once flooding begins, your phone and electric service may no longer work. Your drinking water may be contaminated. The structure you are staying in may be severely damaged and may collapse. Your electrical system may become a lethal hazard when in contact with water. Toxic and/or flammable materials such as heating oil, propane tanks, kerosene, sewage, paint, pesticides, solvents and other unknown highly hazardous materials may enter this structure during flooding.

You will not be able to drive on the roads to escape later if you change your mind.
Your refusal to evacuate could lead to the loss of your life and the lives of others who may be in this structure.

You have been given this notice because despite these risks, you have refused to evacuate. We have made an extraordinary effort to give you the opportunity to evacuate and will make no further attempts. You are now on your own.