Well ya'll, with Rita bearing down on Florida, the citizens in Texas are taking no chances. I'm right on the LA/TX border and it seems that with everyting that happened with Katrina, people over here have learned to bug out well in advance. Let me just say that I have been very busy at work for the last two days as people are stocking up on gas, food, water, lights, candles, batteries, and flashlights. And also items needed for getting their pets out of town. My particular Walmart has run out of water, canned meat, pet carriers, and plastic containers. I was told by a customer that another store close by was already cleared of these same items. Galveston is supposed to start evacuating tomorrow. We were told that we can leave if we want without fear of loosing our jobs. It seems as though quite a few of the employees are leaving tomorrow. They don't want to fight with traffic.

I just get the overall feeling that no one here is going to be trapped like those in NO. Don't get me wrong..there are still some people staying. I'm not sure when I'll be going. Probably Thursday sometime. I guess it depends on when the schools close.
