I had went away from re-chargeable for a few years due to self discharge issues as well.
The best price on eneloop is the $7.99 for 4 AA at HHGreg. Then other stores like Circuit city have been reported to have them around $11.99 and $11.99 or 19.99 for 8 seems to be the average online price.
There are others like them, Rayovac hybrid, Uniross hybrios, nexcell something or other.
Also a decent charger helps out as well. I found out the charger I gor from walmart would only charge the batteries to 70 something percent of a full charge so I was loosing a lot off the top right there. I finally bought a $40 MAHA and it has recovered some of my old NiMH to the point where they are useable again in secondary stuff.

The other advantage with the low self discharge is you can charge them ans have them waiting, no one hour chargers or 15 minute chargers needed, just have a set already fully charged and waiting.