Originally Posted By: cfraser
^ The light switch for furnace power is typically installed near the ceiling, least around here, so it's pretty hard to accidentally flick it, I can't even reach mine without a step-stool. The furnace side of that switch wiring, once disconnected from the switch, is where I'd feed in the 110/120VAC power from the inverter or generator.

As far as the fan motor, it would suck a lot of power. That's why I wired mine so I could switch the fan right off, that is not the "normal" way to wire around here...normal here is so that the fan is always on, on "low speed" even when the thermo says it should be off. This was costing me too much, I estimated $25/month 20 years ago.

Also, I completely shut off the gas to my furnace during the warm season (saves about $60 a month from the stupid pilot and HIGH gas prices now), so I don't mind re-lighting it, it's not hard.

Are you getting the idea I'm a bit cheap here? smile Oh well, now we can call it my stylish contribution to reduce global warming...

Sounds like an old furnace, mine the fan only runs when the furnace is in use and only draws a couple A, then the pilot is electrically lit each cycle. Only issue with mine is the previous owner hired a "professional" to install it and put one in that is about twice the size thats needed so it short cycles. I got it working better by adjusting the thermostat to widen the temperature range so it runs longer each cycle and waits longer to cycle so it compensates some.