Originally Posted By: Eugene
That Inova X1 single AA powered LED, have you ever EDC'd it? I have an ARC AAA now on my truck keychain but I wouldn't mind something a little brighter and would prefer AA over AAA as I don't have a lot of non AA gear left. The ARC AAA the only thing holding me from droping AAA's in my gear completely so if the X1 wouldn't be too much bigger then I could switch over.

Yes. It 'was' my EDC. Unforunately, I dropped it. And changed battery and can't get it to work. I think I'll get a new one. It worked very well. I enjoyed it much. Of course the others have greater output of light. But I bought this for $20 and based on the review at www.flashlightreviews.com

I just don't understand why it doesn't work after I dropped it. I changed battery.