This is one of those ask three people get four answers type of questions. I'm in the same possition you are, actually, I might fish two or three times a year as a social event, and hate freshwater fish.

A lot of people like the full fledged military kit. If you need that much gear, IMHO, it means that they've probably stopped looking for you if you are dry land.

This is very similiar to what I carry in my PSK:
I carry it in a breath strip tin, it fits better, with spectra rather than mono line, and I add a few sequins to be shiny bait. Trout are terminally dumb or way to territorial, they seem to bite anything shiny. I have seen trout caught on a naked hook and a sequin.

I like the swivels becuase they let you use things other than fish line for your line. Tie one onto a core line from your paracord bootlaces, clip a hook on, and ta-da!, you've got a fish line. Can't tie corelines to hooks so well. And they give you options as far as setting up your line, and in some kinds of trapping, so take them.

Weight is tricky. As others have said, it depends on what you are looking for. I've got the same questions myself. I make it up as I go along and have decent luck. If you really wanted to, the Scouts have a fishing merit badge- the pamphlets are usually in expensive. Gut one to what you need, put it in a bag, and stick it in your kit. smile I don't think they are available online for free....

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.