If people are stupid enough to hurt or kill themselves trying to emulate what that see on television, who's dumber, the one giving the advice or the one following it?

I've watched a few episodes of Man vs Wild, although I think Bear is somewhat of a loose nut, it's entertaining. I also don't understand why there's the criticism of the show, just take it for what it is. If you don't like it, don't watch it and it will go away. No, it doesn't teach you anything remotely useful, but it's not supposed to be a educational showand they make no claims as such. It's purely for entertainment and ratings value only. It seems that some people just don't understand the difference. TV is not real life, and most of the time has no resemblence to real life. If it did, who would want to watch it? Watching ER won't make you into a doctor, or The apprentice won't turn you into a Donald Trump, Man vs. Wild isn't going to make you into a uber-survivalist. If you think that Man vs. Wild should have more realism, why aren't people also saying the same thing about Survivor? Just the name should lead you to believe that it should have something to do with survival, but it doesn't, and nobody seems to care.

As for his knife, if he can sell it at that price, I'm all for him. That's capitalism at it's finest. Nobody's forcing people to buy one, they're not misleading anyone or lying about it, he's just trying to capitalize on his 15 minutes of fame. There are a lot of people that spend a lot more than that on other knives and toys without a second thought, value is all relative.

I like Survivorman a lot more than MvW, but again, it's still a television show. I'm don't watch it thinking I'm going to able to do anything that Les does, I still consider it just a TV show. Maybe a higher class or entertainment, but still entertainment.