Points well taken Polak. I've said many times in this and other forums I like Bear and would probably like to hang with him, BUT... I've also said I see his show almost as a sitcom. That's harsh, I know, and certainly not true, but unlike Les Stroud's show, Bear is more of a clown.

I really don;t think he put's himself "on the line". He has a camera crew and who knows whom else there to aid, comfort, and if necessary, rescue him. He does take unecessary risks.

I don;t worry about someone else repeating his mistakes (I've said that many times and will again). We're ultimately responsible for what we do and one can no more blame Bear for teaching dangerous stuff than blame the high-flying motorcycle jumpers for the same thing.

I watch every episode of Man-v-Wild that I can.....for the entertainment. If Bear were here, I assure I would be much more diplomatic just out of everyday friendly politeness. He seems like a pretty good guy.

Good points though....