Y'know, it's funny that when you consider what is chosen by those who actually have a daily use for a large fixed blade, there are as many variations as there seem to be standards. Most will be satisfied with whatever happens to be available at the time, like what is issued to them. Some with a bit more experience, usually involving hapless incidents where their issue knife failed them at some point, come to the realization that tools that double as self defense items ought not be compromised on and so are all too happy to drop dime on something proven more reliable, usually in the hands of some elite unit, with a great reputation therein.
Then there are those who realize that a knife is what it is, in any of it's myriad forms and functions, and choose to use whatever is handy, be it issue, or otherwise, to get the task done. They are just as comfortable with a Spanish Mauser or AK-47 bayonet as with a Cold Steel Khukri or a KA-BAR issue fighting knife, or a Leatherman. They may still spend the money for a quality blade if they feel it is warranted, but not just because they can. I like that. I will take ingenuity and human adaption to the situation at hand as a far more precious trait than whatever the latest wondersteel and forging process can deliver anytime. The fact that I might also buy some of the most expensive knives on the market is just an attribute of my consumerism drive for excess, which has perhaps little to do with my penchant for survival. The way I see it, if you can't make that 99 cent plastic rain poncho work for ya, then acquiring a $100 piece of plastic ain't gonna do much for improving your odds. People always seem more attracted to the frosting without paying too much mind to what's under it, until they actually have to take a bite and find out just what it is they got.
Chris, you crack me up sometimes. We can always count on you to interject something interesting. I agree that you need to put more on the board from now on. Don't let us curmudgeons discourage you with our dogmatic and cynical posts.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)