Originally Posted By: NightHiker
Originally Posted By: DeathtoToasters

Any advice on food storage suppliers that don't specialize in Sodium?

Here's my 2¢:

My personal feeling is that instead of amassing a pile of "survival rations" that it's more practical to just increase the amount of food you normally have on hand and rotate it through your normal usage. Instead of keeping a 1 week supply of the food you normally eat in the house, keep a 2 week supply of the stuff that doesn't require refrigeration/freezing.

If you have young kids, getting them to eat "Curds with Whey, Vegetarian, Shelf-Stable, Fortified, 1 ea" in an emergency may pose more of a problem than anticipated. Economically it's a bit more feasible as well, every time you go grocery shopping you can pick up extra items (2 bags of flour instead of one, 8 cans of soup vs. 4, etc), especially if they happen to be on sale.

On the other hand, if you anticipate a bug out situation or difficulty retrieving your supplies from the rubble that once was your home, a few days worth of pre-packaged meals in an easy to access location (garage, tool shed, etc) isn't a bad idea. I do a lot of camping & backpacking so I keep enough freeze-dried meals to feed the family (DW+3 kids) for at least 2 days with my immediate evac kit, but a bug out situation is pretty far down on my threat list.

Basically, I'd recommend developing a list of potential threats and how you plan on dealing with them and then figure out what's the best route for you.

I totally agree with you. That is part of the situation I am running into. I am trying to find food storage supplies that are normal food we are used to.

Lasagnas, Pasta dishes, chicken, good chunky soups, muffin mixes, etc.

Not the regular MRE's. Although I have some of them. We don't have the canning abilities we had up in Utah. So it is much harder to figure out.

Any suggestions?
"Death to Toasters"-John Connor

"All Hail the Power of Bauer"

"Only the Paranoid Survive" - Andy Grove

"Why is it called the American Dream? Because you have to be ASLEEP to believe it!" - George Carlin