well, I live in south florida ( broward county )and am out in the everglades at least 4-6 times a month in my boat. ( a flat bottomed, duck boat with an outboard motor)

It's probably one of the most inhospitibale areas for being stranded I can imagine. I carry a considerable amount of survival equipment with me on board the boat every time I hit the water. Being standed in the everglades over night would be a very unpleasant experience, even with all the gear.

While I like bear grylls, I consider his show entertainment, especially this episode... I also laughed my posterior off at most of it. I'm sorry, but I dont for a second truly believe he spent the night out there, he would have needed a few pints of blood after sleeping on that platform.

In the areas of the everglades I frequent ( water management areas 1,2,3, rottenberger, and areas south of I-75 ) the terrain is ALOT more hostile than that. It would essentialy be impassible to a human being on foot, period. you would sink up to your knees in mud, or be forced to wade and swim for many miles in water that has not only leeches in it, but also has a prolific alligator population that actually do see man as prey. (His fear of swimming that canal might have seemed like hype but it was very, very, justified. )

Without a "bug suit" , mosquito net or tent/bivy bag to get into, you would be positively, absolutely be eaten alive by mosquitos after dark. Bug dope, even 100% deet is only marginally affective. you need a physical barrier between the bugs and you. That little smokey fire he had? please...

He was correct about it all looking the same in every direction out there, especially in the wetlands. Its super easy to get disoriented out there without a compass or GPS.

The episode was good for the entertainment value for me, but A real situation out there would probably be very different..

victory begins with a mindset...