
I'm going on a 5 day fishing trip next week. I was told by the person in charge that we would do things slighly different this year : everyone buys and brings his food for breakfasts and lunches, as well as all his drinks (water, wine, beer, etc.). We're going to be 9 people so it makes a huge grocery shopping list hard to manage.

Sounds to me like this might be a little complicated because the fridge that's in the camp is pretty small. The camp will be full or people running around the tables and counters so i'm actually planning to be pretty autonomous. It's the first time i'm actually planning this out so if anyone has some recommendations, i'd appreciate them. It looks similar to planning a backpacking expedition.

I'll bring my own ustensils.

Things i've thought of bringing :

-8 liters of water
-10-12 fresh bagels
-peanut butter
-a dozen CLIF bars
-some ready-to-drink breakfast replacements (Carnation make some)
-Soupworks pouches by Lipton (just add boiling water)

Any other interesting ideas?
"The only easy day was yesterday."