I use small (2x3) ziploc bags. I got a case of 1000 a few years ago, and have been using them for nearly everything, including FAK contents, ever since. I got them from Uline (http://www.uline.com/ProductDetail.asp?model=S-7006).

The biggest problem is they are not crushproof, like other containers might be. For me, this is offset by some of the following advantages:

- flat - takes up less space
- organized - you can write on them with a sharpie, and either put different meds in different bags. Or, for a more compact kit, I will put different kinds of meds relating to the same purpose all in one bag (e.g., claratin and benadryl in an "allergies" bag)
- visible - although you can write on them, you don't need to in order to quickly recognize some contents (advil and benadryl are pretty easy to spot, for example)
- kids - I've carried kids medications for my daughter, and I just cut the dosage instructions from the box and slip them right into the bag, so you can read them without even removing them.

I change and restructure and reorganize my kits way too often, but this is one of the few aspects that I've settled on and it has served me well over time.

Hope that helps.

Rod Satterwhite