Gosh!, -Wouldn't it be So Neat!, -to Live Self Sufficiently and Long!, -on a Sizeable Enuff Boat! (Which includes a large Stockpile of Food and Gear, -in addition to what Fish and other Sealife you Catch). Out there on the High Seas! International Waters Totally! Where you *Don't* have to Worry about Govt, Taxation, Jobs, Crime, War, Economic Pinches and Downturns!,...-Nothing! -Well, -Nothing of those sorts anyway! Pirates, Storms, and such, -would certainly be among the Concerns. (And maybe the Giant Squid and other Sea Monsters!-Laugh and Smile Emoticons, -I couldn't get them to Take!).And you can Always have a Select Few People and Pets there for Company!....I Dream On! But its Sure a Worthwhile One to have! The 7 Seas are your Country! *No* Country is your Country! "We the People" Rings Totally True! In that YOU *are* Your Own Govt! Economy, Government, and All!....!

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (06/12/07 12:26 AM)
Edit Reason: emoticons which wouldn't Take.
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.