No, -there's no such kind of Conspirational Holdback going on. I have no Concrete Proof, -but I still know it!

But it is often the case, -that after Billions and Billions are thrown at it!, -Year after Year and Decade after Decade!, -While some measures of Progress may have been made toward the Goal, -Still no Cure has been arrived at! Acheivement of the Goal is not yet anywhere in sight!

This doesn't mean that in all such cases, -that we still shouldn't try. Including financially. But it does make you sometimes wonder, -if the Goal, Noble and Needed though it may be, -is worth the Buck and Chase!

Science and Research must get its Significant, Adequate, Funding. Often such Research cannot proceed otherwise. But Over and Beyond such a Due Point, -We can't always just keep on throwing Money at a Matter or Problem. In such cases, -Science and Research should firstly proceed along a more Natural, -"State of the Art", -kind of Track. (If you and others there get my Drift, -which I think that you Reasonably may). (Let me help you more towards that Drift, if needed, by an Example. As follows).-

For example Nixon's early 70s War on Cancer. I remember the Announcement being made, with Considerable Fanfare. The Goal is both Needed and Noble. But though some Measures of Progress have since been made on various Fronts therein, (Not all Neccessarily due to the "War" and Funding, -Some may have come about in that Natural Progression as I've mentioned, -anyway), -Cancer rages on Cureless! (For the very most part anyway). Makes one wonder how much Value there's Really been for the Buck! How Cost Effective, -or perhaps Cost Wasteful, -it all really is!

But Proceed about it the "More Natural Way" though, -and a Cancer Cure will come when a Cancer Cure comes! Billions could end up being Saved.

But then on another hand, -some 20 years Down the Road, or 10 years, -or even Two years on, -the Great Payoff may come! At Long Last. (This too, -may not entirely be due to such Funding). Reminds me of a saying I've once come up with about Investing, -"The only Investments which ever Pay Off, -are those Initially Made"!

But you still've sometimes got to Wonder!, -at the "Wisdom" and Efficacy of just throwing Money at something!, -sometimes!

It comes down to such a Continuously Renewed, Judgement Call and Balancing Act, -I guess!
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.