My take on that whole situation is this. If someone points a gun at you and says 'give me <insert item here>' and you comply and give it to them, then what is there to stop them from saying 'ok, now give me <insert another item here>' or just shoot you for the thrill of it (you never know if they are on drugs or under the influence of something else).
To me its no different than the (bad) advice our parents gave us as children when they told you to hold still ad the bee won't stink you. I did that once and got stung on the eyelid because the bee flew behind my glasses and couldn't get out after I frooze and stood still. From that point on I never stood still. Its the same thing people have been told for years "when the airplane hijacker says do what I say and you won't get hurt" that your supposed to sit there and let them do what they want. History shows that often enough that strategy doesn't work.