IRONRAVEN, no, you shouldn;t take it personal. The point I was trying to make has nothing to do with your history or anyone elses. The point is that our Government should not fund what the people will do on their own. It's an opinion, nothing more.

My father died of cancer. A number of people in America have died of HIV. Cholera and smallpox were once a plague here. The list goes on, but I could not (with any degree of honesty) blame the Government for not funding cancer and other research "enough". In fact, the research that found "cures" for most of yesterday's maladies were not funded directly by any government, domestic or foreign.

Some things make us feel good. One of those things is thinking that someone is working on a problem that we feel strongly about. The fact is, most research goes on quietly in the background without advertisement. Our Government knows this. But, they support legislation that is PAC-driven because, if they don;t, they appear callous and un-caring.

So, please don;t take it personal. It's an opinion of mine about taxes and Government spending.