See, now the beauty of the program is that no matter how many people die from cancer, AIDS, influenza, or whatever, there's always gonna be more people out there who get sick and perpetuate the cycle. Better still, people who've already been treated for terminal illnesses usually end up broke by the time they die or would get cured, so the infusion of new sick people with money is more desirable than keeping bankrupt, really sick people alive.

Regardless of who foots the individual bills for treatment, the government just keeps paying and paying for all the research, whether a cure is found or not, so long as the researchers keep publishing new data.

See how perfect this conspiracy logic stuff works! Go on, toss me another one, I'm on a roll...
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)