Having worked in cancer research for over 30 years at the NCI-Frederick located on Ft. Detrick, I can say without any reservation there is no conspiracy to hide or prevent effect cancer prevention, treatment or cures from reaching the public. You must keep in mind that cancer is not a single disease; its causes are due to various origins and influences. One’s genetics’, lifestyle and environment all play key roles in the whether one will or will not develop cancer. There are cancers that are spontaneous in nature, caused by exposure to environmental agents and even ones caused by viruses and bacteria. Since cancer is not a single disease caused by one factor, a “universal” cure is not possible.

Social-economic status also plays a role both in the development of cancer, detection and treatment of cancer. Short of prevention with healthily a life-style and good genes, early detection and treatment remains the best option for remission and/or cure.

Cancers such as childhood leukemia, once a death sentence have reached very high cure rates. There are literally dozens of other cancers, which in recent years have obtained the same high cure rates.

A little more then 3 weeks ago, I insisted my wife who had turned 50 this past year, get both endoscopy and colonoscopy exams. The doctor removed several polyps, one of which he expressed some concern over in terms of its shape. Sure enough when the histopathology report came back it was cancerous. She had as second colonoscopy that week so he could tattoo the site for easy detection by the surgeon who removed a section of her colon a little more then a week ago. Her recovery has gone extremely well and barring detection of cancer having spread to the area lymph nodes, she will have been “cured” by the early detection and subsequent surgical removal of the cancer. There were several key factors in this successful outcome, early detection (everyone of you who is approaching 50 or have reached that golden age (if you have a family history of colon cancer then it is 40), must immediately schedule yourself or a loved one for a colonoscopy – TODAY - I think I ask very little from you guys and gals, this is one thing I beg you to do - TODAY), an excellent gastroenterologist and surgeon. Last but not least, family and friends who provided a support network and offered many prayers from many religious traditions.

You want to be a survivor, then get the appropriate health screening for your age today, no excuses
