Senior + diabetic + alone + chainsaw + falling trees + remote.
your point is well-taken:
senior - well, aron ralston was 27 when he did his arm.
diabetic - 'brittle' insulin dependent - a potential problem, diet regulated - not as much.
alone - some means of communication would have voided this.
chainsaw - accidents happen, but never to us.
falling trees - see above.
remote - communication would have resolved this.
he stacked the cards against himself, placed his bet, and lost. i would like to say i feel sorry for him.. but...
i hike in areas where there are mountain lions and bears - it's the chance i take - if i get eaten, well that's nature in action.
a plb for us hikers or loggers should become a "must have" just as cell phones have become. might save a lot of people a lot of grief.