Yeah, probably not any criminal code with any real teeth in it that can be used on this guy, and civil would also be limited to apparent claims due to handling/investigation/testing costs for now. That could still be up to several hundred thousand dollars, and if anyone claims injury or illness from this event, even if it is only stress related, the costs will escalate.

Criminal negligence would be a stretch, only because intent would be a bit difficult to establish.

I still say his actions are reckless enough to warrant permanent disbarment, and extended isolation from everyone except a few medical staff, and he should continue to foot 100% of the bill for all this extra quarantine procedure. I would also entertain the notion of terminating his father in law's services at CDC, since he obviously knew in advance and failed to notify.

TB is a contagious disease. It doesn't matter whether he was extremely contagious at the time or not. There is always a risk of transmission, it just gets greater as time goes by if left untreated. The bottom line is he had no business travelling anywhere and he knew it.

He's actually probably very fortunate he's in isolation right now. I don't think he'd fare too well in the gen pub if certain individuals on that plane could get close enough to him.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)