Brandy, whiskey, tequila, whatever floats your boat, at the end of a grueling day, sometimes it is awfully darned nice to just sit and watch the flames dancing while sipping some remedy. I'm not talking about getting plowed, but just a little something to take the edge off would be nice. I know that when we are skinning logs or hunting elk, when the axes and the chainsaws and the guns are put up for the day and the campfire is making some good btus and whatever chow has been eaten, then a good belt or two of remedy sure and maybe a cigar or a hand rolled cigaretter or a pipe bowl of mellow burley sure does wonders for the soul. You gotta think in the spirit of the old cowpoke or mountain man and how hard life was day to day and each day ended up about like you might find yourself in a survival situation anyways. A little hooch and a little smoke might be the only treat you get. I mean anything that might help take your mind off your troubles a little without serious impairment could be worth packing around. Tobacco and booze were such staples for a long time for folks who didn't have much more with them than what they could pack on a horse or less. Grandad was no alchoholic, but he would take a snort most nights before turning in, just because that was what he always did. I never saw him take more than a shot in any one evening, so I reckon it was more out of habit than of need. He'd sit and roll a few cigarettes for the next morning while smoking one and sipping his drink. That seems reasonable to me.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)