No one knew before he left if he was contagious or not, but they DID know he had some form of TB in January.
I am wondering if, since he's an attorney, he figured that no one could really do much to him, so he felt free to do as he pleased, right or wrong?
Speaker and his wife are saying that the CDC didn't offer to fly them home from Italy, and it would have cost them $100,000 to pay it themselves. Speaker is an attorney. His father-in-law is "a prominent researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" [ABC news] (a microbiologist). And they couldn't dig up a hundred grand? I wonder what the wedding cost?
"He is the first person infected with TB to be put in isolation by order of the U.S. government since 1963." [Sources: ABC News,] I am assuming that they've just very recently done this, as he seems to be too stupid and too uncaring to isolate himself.
But the news articles say he's "sorry" if he infected anyone. I've never heard that "sorry" ever kept anyone from getting infected with anything, or prevented anyone's death.