Another one is John & Geri McPherson books and dvd's. I never seen the Hoods, but I may order them as well if there good. I had bought the McPherson fire making and it's good but he definitely is a very slow talker but he can go into any environment with out anything, no cloths, no knives, no nothing and survive very comfortably for indefinite amounts or time. He has evolved through time to being off the grid for many years, he makes his own cordage, baskets, house out of logs, everything. Ironically once he developed this knowledge and lived it, he teaches the military special forces how to survive and gets checks sent to him for the services and kick backs from his dvd and books.
It's still not a bad gig for him I guess.
Another excellent source of knowledge is forums and one guy knows a lot is paul vallandigham. Do a search for some of his comments and he has a lot of valuable knowledge.
Failure is not an option!
USMC Jungle Environmental Survival Training PI 1985