Here are some tips about protecting yourself against bugs:
First the most effective is probably 30% DEET lotion (not spray) that you apply only on skin, and neither on clothing nor underneath cloting. Apply the stuff sparingly especially above the eyes as it may drip on your eyes.
If you're going to use both DEET and sunscreen, apply the sunscreen first, then about 30 min later apply the DEET lotion. Then later on reapply sunscreen on top as needed. DEET does lessen the efficacy of sunscreen. Avoid preparations that combine both a sunscreen and a repellent, because they are often low in strength and, therefore, the protection is not long-lasting.
Follow safety precautions when using it on children (I think it's recommended to use 10%). Don't use it on their hands.
For your clothing, spray them with permethrin but not on your skin (don't spray them when you're wearing them). It will last for about 2 weeks even through several washings. You can even spray your tent and bags, and then they become "bug-out bags" in the true sense.
You should get decent quality head nets, it's so cheap. Try to see if it fits on your T4 Tilley, because you need a hat to wear them.
Hope this helps.