As far as I can figure, he is noncontagious. The joy of being a medical librarian's kid- the summary I've got from my mother, she of the medical intell, is that this a hard strain to catch, and almost as hard to give away if you nonsymptomatic.
That being said, I think he should have turned himself over to the nearest embassy or consulate, or at least to the Italians (look, people can be as jingoistic as they want, but Italy has a decent medical system- what he needs is isolation in a low pressure room and all but the poorest hospitals in the US have those so Rome should have a couple) as soon as he was told which strain he has. My understanding is that he was told he had a possitive for TB but was noncontagious, then they IDed the strain after he left the country but I could be wrong on that one.
What bothers me is his route. I haven't had a chance to look at airline times, but there should have been something that didn't involve him flying into Montreal, that's just screwy.
On the media side, it's interesting. The nationals are all reporting that the boarder agent who passed him has been "reassigned", but he crossed not too far west of where I am and our local news was reporting that the agent is on "administrative leave" or "administrative suspension" pending evaluation. I find that kind of funny, in a sad kind of way.
The other funny thing... At work, we have two TVs that are tuned to the news all the time, one FoxNews, one CNN, just becuase. They were both talking to the what looked like same young lady who had been on the flight to Paris at the same time, and both were running it with the "live" banner. This was about 1pm Eastern. We have the sound down, but I'm pretty sure it was the same girl "live" on both stations, solo on one and with a class mate on the other, but the same hair, build and hideous shirt. "Live". HA!!!
When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.