I have mixed feelings on this one. First I agree that he NEVER should have gotten on the first flight to Europe once the doctors advised him against flying. I know he had this long planned wedding but so goes life. His wedding plans do not give him the right to endanger others.

Now that being said, after he was already in Europe and they tracked him down in Rome and told him they had identified exactly which strain of TB he had and told him not to return to the US and to notify Italian health authorities I would have probably done exactly the same thing and did whatever I had to do to get back to the US. As a US citizen on US soil he has rights under our constitution. As a US citizen on foreign soil with that type of medical condition he would have been completely at the will of the Italian government and medical personnel. And believe what you may about our government, I personally don't think our government would have done anything to try and help him or return him to the US.

Being trapped in a foreign country with no rights is not something I would wish on anyone.
"It's a legal system, not a justice system!"