Hearing of this Great and Concernable Matter lately, -I've decided to make something of a Point, -of seeing how my Local, Wild Bees are Doing!

I'm Happy to report that my Local, (West PA, USA), ordinary Honeybees, -seem to be doing Quite Normal and All Right! Here on the White Clovered Grass, -of a typical Sunny, Summer, Afternoon!

One of the Causes of Concern, -concerning Honey or other Bees, -has been recent Arrivals on the Scene, -of New Mite Pests and the like! In addition to the Highly Destructive Varroa Mites and such. _themselves I think New Arrivals on the Scene, -Not all that terribly long ago! (I just could be Incorrect on that one though!, -I am somewhat Foggy on this!).

I've also had a Yen to sometime Try my Hand at Beekeeping! Now and over the last number of years!
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.