I second what someone said about ditching the vitamins and nutritional supplements. Maybe you can run down to a pharmacy and talk to someone on which pain-killers you'd really need. You've got several types, all overlapping. Think about it... roughly 250 miles, figure 15 miles/day (conservatively). 17 days. 1 Aleve is supposedly good for a day, so you only need 17 of them. Or, if you prefer Tylenol, 2 500-gram doses, every 6 hours is 8 daily, so you only need to pack 136 pills. I'm willing to bet you've got close to 1000 pills packed!

I see at least 3 flashlights, with 3 spare bulbs. Can you drop one or 2, and maybe arrange things so you don't need to pack so many different types of batteries?